OK, it is exciting. And it makes you nervous. And perhaps a little worried.
We cannot deny that. Whilst you wouldn't want any kid to be in care, the fact is that there are more children in care than approved foster carers and that if you're approved and have a vacant room, you will be called repeatedly until you accept a child for that room.
Councils all have placement teams. Staff whose job is to find rooms for children needing them. If they cannot find a room with their own carers, they may have to look with an agency or out of county.
It is in the interest of the child to be placed with a local carer. If the placement is right for them, hopefully it will be near their school and with other children and a carer who match their needs.
It is also, financially speaking, better for councils to place a child with their own carer because it costs an awful lot more for a child to go out of area, to a children's home or to a private foster carer. And funds are tight for councils. If they spend less on placements they can spend more on other things.
So, if you have a vacant room, do expect to be called.
(However if you have a reason you cant take on a child at present do tell your social worker so placement stop calling you, eg you're going away for a week).
But just because you're called, does not mean you have to accept the first child placement suggest for you.
If you turn down a child, there will be more calls, probably the same day, we're sad to say.
Things to consider when accepting a child
1) Is the child's age and gender the same as your registration/licence. Eg you cannot accept a baby if your registration is for children aged 5-10.
2) How are you feeling at the moment? Are you (and your partner) ready to take on board a child?
3) If you have children living with you, how will another child coming affect them? If you can, ask the children how they'd feel about having another boy or girl come stay.
4) Ask for as much information about the child as you can. Social services do not have to tell you why they're in care, but they may give you the overview. A lot of children will have a referral. Ask for that to be forwarded to you to help inform your choice. Even if you manage to get a lot of information there will still be a lot of unknowns, especially for a child who has just come into care, but asking questions will help inform your decision at least.
a) Is there anything about the child that is a red line for you? For example, do they have a health issue that you are not familiar with and do not feel you can deal with.
5) Is the child good with other children and pets?
6) Is the timing right for you? Are you about to go on holiday, have you just had a family death, are you kids struggling at school. Consider these factors.
Sometimes we don't get time to ask all these questions however, or consider all these factors. Occasionally social services need a decision within 15mins (I've had to make an on the spot decision before; but I already knew the child). But if there is time, do not rush the decision.
You want your home to be right for the child, and the child to be right for you. It reduces the chance of a placement breakdown - this is when the placement becomes untenable. And the more times a child moves in care, the bleaker their outcomes. Placement moves should be avoided if possible to help develop stability, predictability and settle a child into a loving home.
So, when placement ring, take a deep breath, get out a notepad, ask questions, pause, think, ask to ring back in an hour if possible (or longer if you can). Ask your partner, children, think about the pets. Think, think, think, and then let them know.
You don't have to say yes all the time, but when you do say yes, you want to do so feeling the most reassured that the child coming into your home in a few hours time will settle, grow and prosper in your home.
Good luck. BF.
Check out are FB Here
NB Bristol Fostering is a personal blog and not affiliated with any fostering agency. The author just happens to be a foster carer in Bristol, UK
We do recommend Bristol Council though as they're fab. Bristol Council fostering enquiry form
We cannot deny that. Whilst you wouldn't want any kid to be in care, the fact is that there are more children in care than approved foster carers and that if you're approved and have a vacant room, you will be called repeatedly until you accept a child for that room.
Councils all have placement teams. Staff whose job is to find rooms for children needing them. If they cannot find a room with their own carers, they may have to look with an agency or out of county.
It is in the interest of the child to be placed with a local carer. If the placement is right for them, hopefully it will be near their school and with other children and a carer who match their needs.
It is also, financially speaking, better for councils to place a child with their own carer because it costs an awful lot more for a child to go out of area, to a children's home or to a private foster carer. And funds are tight for councils. If they spend less on placements they can spend more on other things.
So, if you have a vacant room, do expect to be called.
(However if you have a reason you cant take on a child at present do tell your social worker so placement stop calling you, eg you're going away for a week).
But just because you're called, does not mean you have to accept the first child placement suggest for you.
If you turn down a child, there will be more calls, probably the same day, we're sad to say.
Things to consider when accepting a child
1) Is the child's age and gender the same as your registration/licence. Eg you cannot accept a baby if your registration is for children aged 5-10.
2) How are you feeling at the moment? Are you (and your partner) ready to take on board a child?
3) If you have children living with you, how will another child coming affect them? If you can, ask the children how they'd feel about having another boy or girl come stay.
4) Ask for as much information about the child as you can. Social services do not have to tell you why they're in care, but they may give you the overview. A lot of children will have a referral. Ask for that to be forwarded to you to help inform your choice. Even if you manage to get a lot of information there will still be a lot of unknowns, especially for a child who has just come into care, but asking questions will help inform your decision at least.
a) Is there anything about the child that is a red line for you? For example, do they have a health issue that you are not familiar with and do not feel you can deal with.
5) Is the child good with other children and pets?
6) Is the timing right for you? Are you about to go on holiday, have you just had a family death, are you kids struggling at school. Consider these factors.
Sometimes we don't get time to ask all these questions however, or consider all these factors. Occasionally social services need a decision within 15mins (I've had to make an on the spot decision before; but I already knew the child). But if there is time, do not rush the decision.
You want your home to be right for the child, and the child to be right for you. It reduces the chance of a placement breakdown - this is when the placement becomes untenable. And the more times a child moves in care, the bleaker their outcomes. Placement moves should be avoided if possible to help develop stability, predictability and settle a child into a loving home.
So, when placement ring, take a deep breath, get out a notepad, ask questions, pause, think, ask to ring back in an hour if possible (or longer if you can). Ask your partner, children, think about the pets. Think, think, think, and then let them know.
You don't have to say yes all the time, but when you do say yes, you want to do so feeling the most reassured that the child coming into your home in a few hours time will settle, grow and prosper in your home.
Good luck. BF.
Check out are FB Here
NB Bristol Fostering is a personal blog and not affiliated with any fostering agency. The author just happens to be a foster carer in Bristol, UK
We do recommend Bristol Council though as they're fab. Bristol Council fostering enquiry form
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