So it's that time again. The start of a new year, and we think, 'hey, maybe I should eat better' or 'let's get fit and go to the gym'. Or a million other things that we may stick to for a few days or even weeks, or if you're lucky, over a year. But, one thing you could do that will have a lasting positive effect on yourself, your family and many needy kids, is give fostering a try. You may be really worries, or anxious, or just confused about the application process. It is long, but rightly so, but when you've gone through it all, what you get out of it is worth the hassle a million times over. You get to help a child who maybe has never had anyone be kind to them, ever. They may be used to be beaten, abused, talked down to, having no toys or things to call their own. They may have seen horrific things and normalised drug use. But you have the opportunity to give the child a safe clean place in which they can safetly sleep and play. You c...